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August 2014
Newsletter Exclusive:
CIO Insight:
The Next Level:
You propose a major project. Senior management guts it, then gets mad with your partial implementation. Sound familiar?
Read on to learn how to break this cycle.
— Peter Drucker
Ambitious IT leaders can learn a thing or two from the Hollywood stars who recently lined up to receive their industry’s top prize.
Developing a social relationship with your colleagues offers benefits a purely business-oriented relationship never could. Nolan Bennett, VP & CIO at Teva Americas, demonstrates a great way to break the ice between IT and the rest of the business.
You must maintain a broad leadership team representing a diverse range of skills. But what should you do when you must solve a problem only a few of your leaders are appropriate to help with?
IT professionals spend years developing their heroic fire-fighting skills. But sticking with those skills may limit your career opportunities.
During a trip to Africa a simple IT application saves lives and serves as a potent reminder of how tech has positively penetrated every corner of the globe.
I have long argued for the importance of physical proximity in the workplace, so I loved this hysterical new video that demonstrates all the deficiencies with conference calls.