The coming shake up for IT pros

TheComingShakeupForITProsHave you heard?

In a major national survey conducted by Robert Half (the big employment agency) CIOs are reporting the greatest degree of difficulty ever finding and hiring high-quality IT professionals.

I wonder if these are the same CIOs who recently told reporters that it was very hard to keep good staff because “they want ever increasing levels of pay and aren’t willing to accept general industry pay levels.”

Finally … IT professionals (real pros that is) are waking up to their worth and aren’t willing to work for pennies just because the folks who are 10 or 15 years ahead of them did, or worse, still are themselves.

As the economy picks up, I see a big shake up on the horizon for IT pros. Those who really have the chops and smarts to get things done are going to flourish. For the meeting-minded fluffernutters who just want to talk about “the cloud,” “consumerization,” or whatever buzzword happens to be about, expect greater pain and suffering at the hands of stakeholders.

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