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September 2014
Newsletter Exclusive:
Secrets of My Success:
CIO Insight:
The Next Level:
Now that tech has entered every corner of the organization and everyone and their mother (literally) carries a high-powered computer in their pocket, more people than ever feel they have an informed position on how IT should do its job.
So when your peers in the business choose to share their opinion with you, what’s the correct response?
— Bruce Lee
In this revealing interview, Current CIO of the city of Palo Alto, previously CIO of O’Reilly Media, Jonathan Reichental explains the skills and mindsets that drive his successful IT career.
With this simple three-step procedure, your IT team will have the atmosphere, process and opportunity for them to suggest and help implement an array of innovative ideas.
IT professionals are notorious perfectionists. You know what I mean. You are very open to your own inner critic telling you to spend a little more time polishing the UI, or improving the code, but are you as gracious and considerate when one of your colleagues comes knocking, upset the Expense Management System upgrade is six months overdue?
As IT people it is our natural tendency to want to help others and tackle every problem we see, and I am the last person in the world to suggest we stop doing that altogether. I would, however, suggest it is valuable to take a moment to reflect on which problems you choose to really dedicate yourself to…
Let’s start with something we all basically agree upon: the best way to tackle the substantial functional and information needs of our stakeholders is with a comprehensive, big-ticket implementation.
Now that’s out of the way… let’s look at reality. As much as we in IT know this to be the ideal way to operate, the business has a very different perspective.
Not to brag, but while the investment and tech communities continue to scratch their heads over Facebook’s purchase price for What’s App, I’d like to point something out — I called this three months ago.