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December 2013
Newsletter Exclusive:
CIO Insight:
The Next Level:
When was the last time you came up with a great idea, or solved a big problem while grinding away at work?
It happens sometimes, but not often.
Now consider where you were and what you were doing the last time you had a stroke of creative genius…
— Marissa Mayer
I see a lot of signs these days that the IT market is hot. I see many people moving to bigger and more challenging positions. I’m being asked to help find senior people more than ever before. I see nice signing bonuses for new employees and promotions for internal people.
And, most of all, I see lots of new IT initiatives being green-lit that would never have been considered a few years ago.
The hot IT market is all well and good if you are looking for a new job, but what if you like your job and don’t want to leave. What opportunities does the hot IT market hold for you? In fact, the hot IT job market might look like a disaster as you struggle to hold on to your best employees, many of whom are being enticed by new opportunities and increased salaries. This situation can be especially difficult if your employer is still feeling a bit shaky from the great recession and hasn’t jumped on the IT investment bandwagon yet. Naturally, that makes the grass seem a whole lot greener on the other side.
In IT, you have two paths for project success:
1. You can focus on producing small, incremental improvements to existing systems.
2. You can focus on producing large, glamorous wins by implementing new systems.
At first, picking between these two options sounds like a no-brainer. You want the home runs, right?
That’s what your key stakeholders want most from you (both personally and from IT in general). Simple, yes, but easier said than done. Case in point: The daily battle with your overflowing inbox.