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Do you like the people you work with?

I sure do. And it makes a big difference to the quality of my work experience every day. I was reminded about how important that feeling is today after returning from our company outing. In place of our typical work day (although I’m not exactly sure what that is any more) we spent the day […]

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Four Great Lessons from Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla was born 156 years ago on July 10. It’s not a stretch to say that Tesla was (and maybe still is) the greatest electrical engineer the world has ever known. Tesla’s contributions to the world of technology are vast, including the Tesla coil, modern radio, the induction motor, and most famously the alternating […]

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Rain Showers, Rainbows and the Return of Basic Goodness

About 2 years ago, I took my first meditation class. The instructor started off by talking about some of the reasons for meditation, its purpose, its promise. One theme that featured prominently in his talk was using meditation to help access a basic goodness that exists in all of us and in all the world […]

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Banks, Ski Resorts and Expectation Management

Sometimes the smallest things make a really big difference. This morning I walked into a local bank and was greeted by a the following sign: “We recently converted to a new core processing system to update our technology to better serve you . If it takes us a little loner to help you, we ask […]

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