Having Trouble Getting IT Noticed?


Having Trouble Getting IT Noticed?
Stop Marketing Activities, Start Marketing Outcomes

IT saves the day, but it’s the other departments–sales, marketing,
finance, etc.–who receive praise for even minimal outcomes.
Why do they get the lion’s share of recognition,
while IT is left spinning its wheels?

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3 Common Communication Issues for IT


3 Common Communication Issues for IT
— And How to Fix Them

Find out which of these common issues keep you from sharing clear,
productive communication with your peers,
your users, and your stakeholders.

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Melissa Hunt - National Director of Technology Support (Grant Thornton<br /> LLP)


Melissa Hunt
National Director of Technology Support (Grant Thornton LLP)

Melissa Hunt discusses how she leads her people,
the creative way her remote team members keep things personal
with their colleagues, and what skill she has the hardest time finding
in the hiring marketplace–it’s not what you think!

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